Sons of the Forest: Where to Find the Maintenance Keycard

Here's our guide on where to find the Maintenance Keycard in Sons of the Forest.

There are several underground bunkers scattered throughout the island in Sons of the Forest. Most of them require a keycard to be able to fully explore the location. The first keycard you will likely come across is the Maintenance Keycard. Here’s our guide on where to find the Maintenance Keycard in Sons of the Forest.

The prerequisites for obtaining this keycard are that you have the shovel. If you don’t have that, you can save this guide for later or visit our guide on how to get the shovel in Sons of the Forest so you can follow this one afterward.

Where to Find the Maintenance Keycard in Sons of the Forest

To find the maintenance keycard, you will need to visit the dig site located at one of the pinging map locations on your GPS. Once there, use your shovel to dig in the middle of the dirt area between the golf cart and the surveying laser levels. Digging there will reveal a hatch to the Maintenance A bunker.

Open the hatch and proceed down into Maintenance A. After descending the ladder into Maintenance A, proceed down the hallway and enter the first open room on the right. You will find the Maintenance Keycard on the computer desk with the 3D printer, on top of the C Class Monthly magazine.

Sons of the Forest Carl Planter Maintenance Keycard
Screenshot: Gamer Digest/Sons of the Forest

RELATED: Sons of the Forest: Where to Find the VIP Keycard

After picking up Carl Planter’s Maintenance Keycard, you can explore the rest of the bunker and see if there’s anything worthwhile. From here, you can proceed to the cave with the golf carts in front of it, which is the bunker leading down into the Food and Dining service bunker. That’s the next part of the story, and you’ll find your next keycard inside that location.

That’s where to find the Maintenance Keycard in Sons of the Forest. If this guide helped you out and you want more walkthroughs, check out our Sons of the Forest section.