Deep Rock Galactic Season 3 has brought 2 new mechanics relating to the Rockpox contaminating Hoxxes IV. In this article, we’ll cover the more predictable of the two: Lithophage Outbreaks. Read on for how to cleanse Contagion Spikes in Deep Rock Galactic’s Season 3.
Cleansing Contagion Spikes in Deep Rock Galactic
To cleanse Contagion Spikes in Deep Rock Galactic, players need to locate the Contagion Spikes at the Mission Terminal, call in Cleaning Pods, and use the tools it brings to cleanse the Rockpox.
Finding Contagion Spikes
Mission Control will alert Players as to which missions harbor Contagion Spikes. Look for a red warning icon labeled Lithophage Outbreak when using the Mission Terminal. Contagion Spikes are considered a top priority and, thus, will be part of the Main Objectives for these stages.

Once in the mission, look for yellow, glowing growths surrounded by overgrown red tangles. These red areas also show on the Terrain Scanner (Tab). Start by approaching one of these areas. When in range, Players will get a prompt to call down a Cleaning Pod. Like Ammo Resupply Pods, Cleaning Pods will crush anything in their path on the way down.
Cleansing Contagion Spikes
To cleanse Contagion Spikes, players must use the tools on the yellow Rockpox pustules surrounding the Contagion Spike. Start by coating the pustules with the Lithofoamer. Then, use the Lithovac to vacuum up the foam and the pustules. The bar on the Contagion Spike will shrink with each destroyed pustule until the spike itself will die, rendering the remaining Rockpox inert.

Cleaning Pods will bring 4 tools: 2 Lithofoamers and 2 Lithovacs. These tools are both needed to cleanse the Contagion Spikes. There are 4 tools, enough to equip a whole team, but having 2 Players focus on defense would be wise; tools must be dropped before Players can defend themselves. The tools will show as yellow blocks on the Terrain Scanner.

Solo Players can order the all-purpose drone, Bosco, to grab a Lithovac and designate an area for vacuuming by marking them with the Laser Pointer (CTRL). Remember to use the dwarves’ mobility tools to make the area easier to move through. The Engineer’s Platform Gun and the Gunner’s Zipline Launcher are both great for this.
Rockpox itself can infect the Dwarves. If a Player’s Rockpox icon completely fills with yellow, they will be immobilized until they break free. Rockpox larvae and infected wildlife will also attack Dwarves near the Contagion Spikes.
That was our guide on how to cleanse Contagion Spikes in Deep Rock Galactic’s Season 3. We hope this helps vets and newbies better contend with the season’s new threats.
Oh, our greenbeard just threw the Lithofoamer into a crevasse. Read more tips in our Guides Section while we try to find it.