Deep Rock Galactic: How to Get Plague Hearts (Season 3)

Here's how to get the coveted R&D material, Plague Hearts, in Deep Rock Galactic Season 3.

We had a little trouble finding the meteorites for the second part of Season 3’s new rockpox mechanics, but we’re here now with our guide on how to get Plague Hearts in Deep Rock Galactic Season 3. In Deep Rock Galactic, Plague Hearts are a highly sought-after material for the R&D department and can be traded in for Scrips.

How to Get Plague Hearts in Deep Rock Galactic

To get Plague Hearts in Deep Rock Galactic, players need to find Lithophage Meteorites, set up Rock Cracker Pods, and survive the resulting attacks.

Finding Lithophage Meteorites

First off, Plague Hearts only spawn inside Lithophage Meteorites. Unlike the Contagion Spike, there’s no way to guarantee they appear in a mission. Players can improve their odds by taking missions inside the red “infected” regions on the Mission Terminal. According to community manager Jakob, normal missions in these zones have a 50% chance to spawn meteorites vs. a 25% chance in other regions.

Mission Control will issue a warning to all Players in the mission when a Meteorite is coming down. They will mark the impact area with a red spherical field. Players need to move out of this area quickly to avoid being hit.

Deep Rock Galatic Plague Hearts
Screenshot via Gamer Digest/Deep Rock Galactic

Calling in Rock Cracker Pods

Like the Contagion Spikes, these Lithophage Meteorites require special equipment delivered from the space rig. Approach the crash site to get a prompt for calling in Rock Cracker Pods. These pods will land a short distance away and must be connected to the drills on the meteorite to power them. 

Deep Rock Galatic Plague Hearts
Screenshot via Gamer Digest/Deep Rock Galactic

Players need to interact with the Rock Cracker Pods and lay out the cable quickly. Press the interact button (E) and then left-click (when the cable overlay is blue for “valid placement”) to set the posts for the next length of power cable; repeat until they reach the overlays of the drills on the meteorite. 

Deep Rock Galatic Plague Hearts
Screenshot via Gamer Digest/Deep Rock Galactic

The cable-laying process is very similar to setting up pipes for liquid morkite; any Players that have already done the latter will have an easier time. Remember to use the Engineer’s Platform Gun to make safely walkable areas around the meteorite, as the ground around the impact site deals fire damage.

Cracking Open the Meteorite

The drills need time to break open the meteorite, represented by the red “boss healthbar.” As they work, the noise will draw hostile wildlife, the same as other Objective sequences. Players need to dig in and fight the assorted wildlife.

The Rock Cracker Pods will sometimes jam throughout the fight. Have Zip Lines or Platforms in place ahead of time to easily reach them, or have a Scout Player use their Grappling Hook. Interact with the Rock Cracker Pods to fix them. The status of the Rock Cracker Pods is displayed on the left side of the screen so Players can be in position to fix by the time they jam.

Screenshot via Gamer Digest/Deep Rock Galactic

Once the Meteorite is open, carry the Plague Hearts to deposit into the M.U.L.E. Molly or the deposit zones on Mineheads or even the sides of the Drop Pod. Don’t carry them for long; they cause Rockpox buildup. Dwarves that max out the meter are immobilized until they break free.

Plagueheart Rewards

Players will obtain 1 Scrip used for unlocking rewards in the Cosmetic Tree for every 6 Plague Hearts deposited. Players can obtain 15 Scrip this way. They also grant 250 Performance Points per Plagueheart to advance the Performance Pass. A mission may have more than 1 Lithophage Meteorite, but the process is the same.

That ends our guide on how to get Plague Hearts in Deep Rock Galactic Season 3. Enjoy the event, and score some good cosmetics to customize your dwarves.

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