Phasmophobia Holiday Cookie Locations (2022)

If you're having trouble tracking down all the cookies in the new holiday event, we have the guide for you.

The new Phasmophobia Tempest update has introduced a new holiday event that tasks players with satiating a hungry Santa Claus ghost. To feed the hunger of the disembodied jolly one, they will need to locate cookies across seven investigation locations in the game. 

If you are having trouble tracking the cookies for the event and don’t want to end up on the naughty list this year, we have all the different locations for the cookies in the game. 

The holiday event is active on the following investigation locations in the game: 


Bleasdale Cookie Locations Phasmophobia
Bleasdale Cookie Locations

On the Bleasdale map, cookies can be found in the small room on the table, in the kitchen near the sink, in the dining room on the chair, in the workshop, and on the side table in the hallway.


Edgefield Cookie Locations

The Edgefield cookie locations include the entry drawer to the right, dining room table, kitchen table, basement workbench, drawer upstairs, and second-floor nook.


Grafton Cookie Locations

Grafton cookies can be found on the dining room table, workshop bench, bedroom drawers, nursery desk, and kitchen.


Ridgeview Cookie Locations

Ridgeview cookies can be found on the living room coffee table, office desk, basement chair, bedroom desk, bedroom drawers, in the garage near the spraypaint.


Tanglewood Cookie Locations

Players can find Tanglewood cookies on the entry side table, dining room table, laundry room, garage, kitchen table, and basement.


Willow Cookie Locations

Find the cookies on the Willow map on the living room coffee table, kitchen island, bedroom desk, small bedroom table, garage, and in the basement on the floor.


Woodwind Cookie Locations

Woodwind cookie locations include the campfire site, food tent, red tent, game area, and the yellow tent.

If you are having trouble getting the Santa Claus ghost to eat the cookies, make sure to check out our Phasmophobia: Holiday Event Cookie Guide for some tips and tricks on completing the mission on all 7 maps. 

Big thanks to Chicky TV for finding many of these solutions. 

For more guides, see our Guides Section