Across the Obelisk: How to Unlock Asmody

Here's what you need to do to unlock Asmody in Across the Obelisk.

There are lots of pets to unlock in Across the Obelisk, and all of them require following a specific set of in-game events. Asmody is one of the more difficult pets to unlock, as you not only need to get a rare event to spawn, but you also need to visit lots of places. Here’s our guide on how to unlock Asmody in Across the Obelisk, in case you’re wondering how it’s done.

How to Unlock Asmody in Across the Obelisk

Here’s how to unlock Asmody in Across the Obelisk:

  1. Visit the River Bank zone in Act 1.
  2. Select the Play option to participate in the game.
  3. Go to the Behind the Waterfall zone and choose the Combat option to get the book.
  4. Finish Act 1 and proceed through the Red portal.
  5. Head to the Empty Tent zone and select Explore.
  6. Go to the Ancient Library in Act 4 and select Explore.
  7. Head to the Upper Level of Act 4.
  8. Go to the Magic Circle and summon the demon to unlock Asmody.

Asmody is one of the more difficult pets to unlock in Across the Obelisk, and that’s because the event you need to spawn is random. However, you can force the event to spawn by using the right seed.

Across the Obelisk Asmody seed: Buy ATO

After loading into Act 1 using the seed above, look for the River Bank rare event on the top path. Head to the event, and choose the Play dialog option to start the game. Doing this will unlock a new Waterfall zone. 

Across the Obelisk River Bank

Head to the Waterfall zone and choose the Combat event. Upon completing combat, you will obtain a special book item, but it may or may not show up in your inventory. Rest assured, if you follow these steps, you can move on to the next part.

Next, finish out Act 1 like normal and proceed through the Red portal. Once in the Red area, look for the Empty Tent zone on the bottom path. From the Empty Tent location, choose the Explore option to search the tents for a copy of the book that talks about the colors of hell.

Across the Obelisk Empty Tent

Once that’s done, the next place to go is all the way to Act 4 to the Ancient Library. Once there, you’ll need to again select the Explore option to search for another book. After obtaining the second book, it’s time to move to the upper level of Act 4.

Across the Obelisk Ancient Library

Once in the upper level of Act 4, take the bottom path to the Magic Circle zone. A new option should appear in the spot that says, “as the demon summoning guide says, you press black, orange, and red.” Choose that option to unlock Asmody!

Asmody is a pet that grants 3 Slashing and Fire resistance and also casts the Hell Mark card every turn. Hell Mark applies 3 Burn, 3 Mark, and 1 Slow to a random master. It’s a good pet on any hero, especially Fire spellcasters like Cornelius!

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