Across the Obelisk: How to Unlock Mozzy

Here's how to unlock Mozzy in Across the Obelisk, a mosquito pet that casts Bloodsucker every turn.

There are many pets to unlock in Across the Obelisk, and some are a bit more challenging to figure out than others. Mozzy is undoubtedly one of the more difficult pets to unlock, so you might want a guide, and that’s where we come in to help. Here’s how to unlock Mozzy in Across the Obelisk.

How to Unlock Mozzy in Across the Obelisk

Here’s how to unlock Mozzy in Across the Obelisk:

  1. Finish Act 1 and proceed through the Green portal.
  2. Navigate to the Marsh Deeps for The mosquito nest rare event.
  3. Choose the Steal option to dive into the swamp and steal the Mosquito Egg.
  4. Finish Act 2 and head through the Red portal for Act 3.
  5. Take the egg to the How to Boil an Egg event at the Lava Cascade spot in Act 3.
  6. Place the egg near the lava to hatch.

Before proceeding, you’ll need to make sure you have 1000 gold to buy the boat. You may also want Thuls in your group because, without him, there’s a high chance you fail the Group roll that requires you to get a 5 or higher. Also, Mozzy requires a rare event, and you can guarantee this rare event occurs by using a specific game seed.

Across the Obelisk game seed to unlock Mozzy: T Across the Obelisk

Once you’re ready to roll, finish out Act 1 and proceed through the Green portal for Act 2. In Act 2, make your way to the right two spots on the top path and purchase the boat for 1000 gold.

From there, make your way to the Marsh Deep for The Mosquito Nest event. Once there, choose the option to dive into the water and steal the egg. 

Across the Obelisk Marsh Deeps event

After you get the egg, you’ll want to finish Act 2 and head to the Red portal for Act 3. In the Red area, look for the Lava Cascade spot for the How to Boil an Egg event. Go to the spot, and choose the second option to place the egg near the lava to hatch it.

Congratulations, you’ve unlocked Mozzy!

Mozzy is a pet that grants 6 Slashing resistance and casts the Bloodsucker card every turn. Bloodsucker self-heals for half of the number of Bleed you have on yourself.

For more guides, builds, and walkthroughs, visit our Across the Obelisk section!

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