Best Teams in Darkest Dungeon 2

Looking for a team to get you into the later chapters of Darkest Dungeon 2? Here is the best team composition you can use right now. 

In Darkest Dungeon 2, one of the most important aspects of getting further into the game and defeating the bosses at the end of each run is ensuring a solid team composition that works together to take out enemy mobs. If you’ve been getting stopped in Denial and are scratching your head at what works, follow our best team composition guide below to make it through. 

Best Team Composition in Darkest Dungeon 2 

The best team composition for Darkest Dungeon 2 is: 

  • Man at Arms
  • Highwayman
  • Jester 
  • Plague Doctor

The Man-at-Arms is a powerful frontline tank that can buff allies and has a consistent Stress heal that is even better when upgraded. The goal of The Man-At-Arms in this composition is to soak up as much damage as possible.

The Highwayman is one of the strongest DPS Heros in the entire game and can deliver consistent damage along with The Jester, who has some of the most powerful DPS abilities in the game with Finale. Finally, the Plague Doctor can deliver massive heals with her move, Indiscriminate Science, making this build strong enough to take out tougher enemies and durable enough to survive through the mid-game. 

Best Healing Team Composition for Darkest Dungeon 2

If you want max healing in Darkest Dungeon 2, the following Heroes will provide the most durability and healing while providing enough defense and resilience to take you further into the campaign. 

The best healing team composition in Darkest Dungeon 2 includes: 

  • Man at Arms
  • Highwayman
  • Flagellant
  • Plague Doctor

This is arguably the second-strongest build in the game, replacing The Jester’s damage output with The Flagellent’s healing abilities and additional Blight damage. 

Best Composition in Darkest Dungeon 2

The above team composition is a Blight-heavy team, so players will struggle when facing enemies or bosses with high Blight resistance. However, combining the Plague Doctor’s Indiscriminate Science with the Flagellant’s Sepsis creates a highly-sustainable team that can attack enemies. 

High DPS Team Comp for Darkest Dungeon 2

If you are looking for the most powerful damage dealers in the game, here’s a decent team composition: 

  • Leper
  • Highwayman
  • Jester
  • Plague Doctor

The High DPS Team comp replaces the low-damage dealing Man-At-Arms with the more damaging Leper. In addition, you have the Highwayman and Jester as two of the heaviest hitters in the game. Plague Doctor should go full heal build in this composition, as its only downfall is that it’s pretty squishy. 

And there you have it! These Darkest Dungeon 2 builds can get you pretty far through the game, if you think with your head.

For more guides like this one, see our Darkest Dungeon 2 section