If you’re having trouble finding Hotel Room 215 in the Streets of Tarkov map in Escape from Tarkov, then we have a guide to show you the exact location.
If you’ve got the Hotel Room 215 key but can’t find where the hotel room is actually located, you’re not alone. The Streets of Tarkov map is pretty new, and if you’ve entered it, you know it’s hot most of the time. Luckily, finding the room isn’t very hard, especially if you know exactly where to look.
See the full Streets of Tarkov Map in our guide.
Streets of Tarkov Hotel Room 215 Key Location
The Hotel Room 215 key room is found in the Pinewood Hotel on the second floor on the right wing of the building. To get to the room, go into the entrance of the Pinewood Hotel, then take a right and go up the stairs. Follow the hallway until you get to Room 215.

If you are having trouble finding the Pinewood Hotel, look for a burning building in the distance.
Inside Hotel Room 215, you’ll find a laptop, bag, and other lootable items. It’s not the biggest location to hit in Streets of Tarkov, but it will provide a steady stream of items if you’re looking to loot and exfil.
Pinewood Hotel is pretty tricky, and you should take it slow, as players can hide inside the rooms and ambush you while you walk by. Like any location in Escape from Tarkov, keep your ears open to listen if anyone is in the vacant rooms as you make your way to Room 215.
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